Hero background image

Scan everything. Fast.

AI label processing and scanning

Don’t rely on barcodes or lasers

Powerhouse AI uses computer vision to smartly scan everything: from classic barcodes to complex labels to text printed on the box.

Multi-label scanning

Scanning labels without barcodes or QR codes

Extract additional data like lot numbers or expiry dates


Scan smartly without restrictions to save time and eliminate manual work

Flexible: no scanning restrictions

User friendly: intuitive and modern interface

Up to 10x faster: save valuable labor

Integrate AI scanning as part of your workflow

Inbound integration


identify incoming goods and extract data points like expiry dates, lot numbers and serial numbers

warehouse outbound and dispatch integration


check if the right goods are leaving the warehouseCycle count: check important data points or count pieces/eaches by scanning multiple barcodes in one go

administration and admin automation


use the camera to read and key-in text into your systems

Warehouse process and workflow integration
white label or drone integration

Or white-label as part of your own solution

WMS warehouse management system integration


warehouse drone integration


mobile device integration

Mobile applications

other services integration


Ready to transform your warehouse into a Powerhouse?